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Young Audience of Houston cung cấp các chương trình biểu diễn nghệ thuật trong giáo dục đa dạng cho học sinh PK-12 trong một bối cảnh lắp ráp. Các chương trình sáng tạo và đa dạng về văn hóa này giới thiệu cho học sinh nghệ thuật thông qua sự cân bằng giữa trình diễn và tương tác với học sinh thông qua nghệ thuật chất lượng cao nhất. Mỗi chương trình biểu diễn đều phù hợp với chương trình giảng dạy của bang Texas và cung cấp các ràng buộc về chương trình giảng dạy, các hoạt động trong lớp và ý tưởng thảo luận, các hoạt động mở rộng, mục tiêu chương trình, mục tiêu, từ vựng và tài nguyên giáo viên. Tất cả các tiết mục là 45 phút.
Dưới đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy thông tin về:
Biểu diễn : Đối với hội học sinh, các buổi biểu diễn giới thiệu học sinh với một loại hình nghệ thuật hoặc văn hóa thông qua sự cân bằng giữa trình diễn và tương tác của học sinh.
Để biết thêm thông tin chi tiết vui lòng gọi 713.520.9264 hoặc gửi email cho chúng tôi theo địa chỉ Scheduling@yahouston.org .

Adventures in Storyland
Dan Gordon
Join Dante, a “Teller of Tales,” on an exciting and interactive voyage to the Land of Stories, where the Storybird lives. With his magic flute, Dante recounts stirring tales from various lands, exposing the participants to the traditions of several cultures. Each story includes a lesson about understanding differences and finding the good in all. Audience members participate in the tales with movement and voice, and, by the end of the stroll, feel like they have become storytellers themselves!
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Choices and Challenges
Dan Gordon
Dante brings stories that entertain, amuse, and challenge participants to think about how to make important decisions. Participants battle with the pressure to fit in and the temptation to be different. It can be difficult to follow your truth when other influences present conflicting messages. Dante’s characters will make you laugh, cry and think. Each tale will have excitement, intrigue, and surprises, as participants experience the world of wonder, comparing it with the challenges of their own lives.
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Joy Goes to Mexico
Joy Saxton
Author/Illustrator Joy Saxton brings the adventurous story of Jose and his dog, Coco, to life for students, using attention grabbing magic tricks, a gigantic book, puppets, and audience participation! Inspired by her travels around the world, Joy’s passion for writing, drawing and storytelling sets the stage for an energetic encouragement of imagination and creativity! The groundwork is laid for ongoing adventures, cultural understanding, and caring about the world. To extend the learning, every teacher(s) will receive a signed copy of “Joy Goes to Mexico” which contains general knowledge of Mexico, and teaching vocabulary.
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Adventures Around The World
Joy Saxton
This adventure story is an adventure story where a young girl travels and meets a special friend and realizes the importance of spreading kindness. The story is based on Author / Illustrator Joy Saxton’s real-life adventure to the Soviet Union before the end of the Cold War. The story teaches the importance of kindness and understanding for children around the world. Joy uses storytelling, puppets and video to bring this message to life!
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Joy Goes to Paris
Joy Saxton
Joy goes on an adventure to Paris. Inspired by her travels around the world, author/illustrator Joy Saxton brings the story to life w puppets, a giant book, and audience participation, Children will be inspired to travel the world. Joy teaches a message of kindness and diversity.
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Sister Rosa Parks, The Bus Stops Here
Jean Donatto
Actress/storyteller Jean Donatto takes a balanced look at the turbulent civil rights era in the late 1950s Montgomery, Alabama. As Rosa Parks, Jean will describe the “incident” that aroused people of all races to begin the struggle for fair and equal treatment and inform your participants about the social climate preceding, during, and following it.
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Bessie Smith
Jean Donatto
Acclaimed actress Jean Donatto portrays Miss Bessie Smith "holding court" with participants. Miss Smith presents living conditions in the cities where she traveled and performed during her rise to stardom. The focus of this presentation is the 1923-1925 period, considered to be the beginning and apex of Smith's career as a recording artist. Politics and the mood of Post-WW1 America form the foundation of the discussions as Miss Smith sings, chats, and answers questions about how it felt to be a notable African-American woman in the 1920s.
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

This Train is Bound for Story
Jean Donatto
Embark on a story-filled journey with actress/storyteller Jean Donatto. Known for her interpretations of poetry and other literature, the acclaimed actress turns her talents to storytelling. This Train has meandered all over the universe picking up more and more stories as it rolls. Go and visit the Rascals; Kwaku Anansi in Africa as he tricks Brer’ Lion; or Pedro Urdemales in Mexico as he figures out a way to keep his tummy full. And don’t forget the lesson of Mr. Gudebrand on the Hill as he shows, in a tale from Sweden, that being kind and generous can actually make one very wealthy. This Train takes audience members on a highly participatory journey through an itinerary filled with tricksters, humor, high drama, and lessons in life. Stories will be grouped age appropriately for K-2 or 3-6
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

A Trip to the World of Fables
Jean Donatto
Actress/storyteller Jean Donatto takes audiences on a journey through the classic fables that have proven through the years to engage and inform. Jean puts her own creative spin on such stories as The Boy Who Cried Wolf and The Ant and the Grasshopper. Jean's fables are a gentle way to remind us all to examine our choices and make sure we know that a good choice is always available.
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Zippetty Zoo Dah
Jean Donatto
An interactive visit to our animal friends at the imaginary zoo shares shape, color, size, the alphabet and more. Using poems, stories and songs, Jean Donatto invites youngest audience members to reinforce the, “Basics” by learning, “Cues”, props, compare and contrast, movement and sound appropriate for the space.
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Life in Ancient Rome, 0 to 300 A.D.
John Keahey
This presentation includes a brief introduction to the living conditions of the first three centuries of the first millennium and continues with a review of the complete armor, weapons and equipment of a legendary soldier. A more comprehensive presentation could also include a Roman auxiliary soldier. This program is particularly appropriate for sixth grade world history classes.
Single Performance
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$150 for each additional performance (same day)
Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Life in Classical Greece, 700 B.C. to 350 B.C.
John Keahey
Learn the roots of our society through one of the great European civilizations of 2,500 years ago. Travel to ancient Greece to meet its citizens and experience their daily challenges. Trace the origins of much of our vocabulary to Greece, and discover the armor and equipment of the Greek citizen soldier.
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$150 for each additional performance (same day)
Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Soldiers of the American Civil War, 1861 to 1865
John Keahey
A defining moment in the history of the United States, the American Civil War was also the first modern war. This presentation begins with a display of the full uniform and equipment of the typical Union soldier and concludes with a presentation of the dress of the common Confederate soldier. These examples offer a study in contrast between the higher quality of the Union soldier’s equipment and the “make do” characteristics of the Confederacy.
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$150 for each additional performance (same day)
Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Soldiers of the American Revolution, 1775 to 1783
John Keahey
Three soldiers in one presentation! Today’s Americans find it hard to comprehend the difficulties the patriots of the American Revolution had to endure. This program begins with a fully equipped British soldier. Each item of uniform and equipment is explained. This standard is then contrasted with the typical American Continental soldier and rifleman. The program is suitable for primary and upper level grades.
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$150 for each additional performance (same day)
Participant Limit
Grade Levels

Soldiers of the Texas Revolution, 1835 to 1836
John Keahey
The epic of Texas' struggle for independence from Mexico is brought to life through the motley clothing and equipment of typical Texan settlers and Texan Army volunteers. The Texan diversity of clothing is then contrasted with the elaborate European-style uniform of a Mexican foot soldier.
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$150 for each additional performance (same day)
Participant Limit
Grade Levels

The Second Americans: Europeans in the New World, 1620 to 1660
John Keahey
This presentation begins with an introduction concerning the conditions facing the first Europeans settlers in the New World. It goes on with examples of typical clothing and other domestic items and continues with a look at the crude firearms and shooting equipment used by the Europeans for hunting and defense. The program concludes with the demonstration of a complete suit of armor as used by soldiers on foot, which was recommended for new settlers to bring with them. This program is appropriate for elementary school and middle school age participants, and is particularly appropriate before the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
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$150 for each additional performance (same day)
Participant Limit
Grade Levels

The Griot Speaks
Manning Mpinduzi-Mott
The Griot Speaks is a collection of ancient African tales presented in the interactive fashion of long ago African griots. Drumming and audience participation turn lessons on history and culture into fun excursions where audience members get caught up in the tale. Griot Manning Mpinduzi-Mott tells the tales, leaps, dances, and turns into all kinds of magical creatures. Senegalese percussionist, Seyba Diouf, adds music and rhythm to the stories then conducts an interactive drum workshop where participants get to play handmade African drums onstage. Together they transform auditoriums, classrooms, and libraries into magical spaces where anything is possible. There is always plenty of fun and lessons that are easy to learn when the griots speak.
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels

The Grigri Tree
Manning Mpinduzi-Mott
A dilemma tale is a special kind of story where the audience determines the ending. Griots use dilemma tales to settle disputes, make important decisions, or just to start a discussion. Grigri (also spelled "gris-gris") is a potion or object which affects people or events in a way that most cannot understand.
When three Brothers embark upon a journey through the forest to care of their aunt, they encounter the mysterious Grigri man who tempts them with magical forbidden fruit and more. Not even the griot telling the tale knows what will happen until the audience supplies the ending.
The original songs played on a handmade gourd banjo by Brother Jawad and the hypnotic voice of Baba Manning carry us into a magical world that is unique to each telling of this tale.
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Participant Limit
Grade Levels