teaching artists
Young Audiences of Houston Teaching Artists and Arts Partners are highly qualified artists who meet YAH Standards for Quality and Artistry and Student rapport. Young Audiences of Houston Teaching Artists and Arts Partners receive compensation for their time, which are above industry standards. Young Audiences of Houston invests in Teaching Artists and Arts Partners through evaluation, technical support, and resources. They are an invaluable member of our organization and our mission.
If you want to become a Young Audiences of Houston Teaching Artist, please fill out our standard application by clicking on the link below and including the additional attachments. If we feel your skills match our current needs, we will contact you to arrange an interview. New artists are reviewed on an annual basis or as needed. Teaching Artists are independent contractors - not employees. Artist Contracts are offered for one year with renewal contracts and evaluations conducted each summer.
YAH Teaching Artist Application --> APPLY ONLINE
Young Audiences Signature Elements
Experience: A signature program will include an experience with the art form delivered by professional artists and will give participants the opportunity to interact with the work(s) of art itself. Experiences will inspire, engage and encourage interest and exploration in the arts and learning.
Understand: A signature program will illuminate the art form through its cultural context, creative processes, and/or the role of the artist and artistic expression.
Create: A signature program will engage participants in the process of creating and empower them to make artistic choices.
Connect: A signature program will enable and encourage participants to link program content to personal experiences, other academic learning, and/or life skill development.
Young Audiences teaching artists are qualified, professional artists who have been selected after a rigorous application and audition/interview process. They are selected for both the quality of their artistry and the educational content of their programs. They are offered ongoing professional development opportunities at Young Audiences of Houston as part of the YA national initiative and with our partners in the Houston Arts Education field. In addition to their regular in-school programs for students, many of our artists also offer afterschool programs for students and/or professional development workshops for teachers. Artist offerings must be exclusive programming through Young Audiences of Houston (exceptions for touring artists).
For more information please call 713.520.9264 or email us.
Young Audiences Artist Criteria
Young Audiences is looking for professional artists who are able to demonstrate the following:
Artistic excellence in their chosen discipline
Experience with in-school programming
Excellent classroom communication skills whether on stage or in the classroom
A well planned arts program which connects to an age-appropriate student audience
A friendly, professional and highly responsible demeanor with a willingness to respond quickly to all communications from Young Audiences
A willingness to submit to yearly background checks including: An FBI fingerprint check, a child abuse check and a criminal background check
A willingness to attend Young Audiences artists training sessions
How to Apply to Become a Young Audiences Artist
Please prepare the following information:
A completed Artist Application (online digital application)
Current Resume (please include your education and work with children)
Artist Statement - tell us about you as an artist, your artwork, your discipline (list all if more than one), your work with children, and why you want to be a Young Audiences teaching artist.
An assembly program summary (if applicable) or a sample lesson plan for a one-day workshop and a multiple-day workshop. Include supplies, fees for supplies and appropriate grade levels (if applicable)
Sample Lesson Plan for each type of workshop or residency you'd like to teach
Sample Professional Development Outline if you'd like to lead PD for Teachers
Sample Assembly Performance Outline if your ensemble would like to offer a performance
Samples of your artwork or arts medium - Visual Arts: 5 personal and, if available, 5 student (must be high resolution and .jpg format); Other art forms: pictures of your work and/or student work if applicable, video of your work with students (teaching/performing). Music / Theatre/Dance: video samples of your performance or classes with students.
Contact information for two professional references
We will review your application and materials. If we are interested in bringing you onto our artist-in-residence roster, we will contact you to schedule an interview and to observe your work with children.